
Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 18 (Spiritual Weapon Of Destruction #1) - Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

January 18

Recently, I had been in a slump. Our church got back from a mission trip where we all who volunteered in this trip knew that God was behind us and encouraging us as we labored in His fields.

Our spirits were high and we united as a church body. Once the trip was over and returned back to my humble abode I attempted to get back into the groove of things but I was not encouraged to do much. Bottom line, I was discouraged and wallowing in self-pity because of many things going on in my life. I used all my tools and weapons to overcome discouragement but to no avail.

Did you know that discouragement is a powerful weapon that Satan uses? Cain was discouraged because his offering was not accepted by God as God did for Able. David was discouraged when his son was hunting him down to destroy him. Elijah was discouraged when he ran from Jezebel who tried to kill him. The Bible talks of many who were discouraged and what happens to the individuals who remained discouraged.

One of Satan's most powerful weapon is discouragement. When people are discouraged they can very easily become bitter, lose peace, hateful and resentful. When we are in this state we cannot have a deep relationship with Christ.

In Cain's case, his discouragement turned into bitterness and hatred. So, what did Cain do? He murdered his brother Able in the heat of passion. Cain became separated from God because of his discouragement. Satan's weapon worked. Discouragement can keep you away from connecting with the Encourager Jesus Christ.

So when you feel discouraged, seek God in prayer and in singing even when you don't feel like. The Word is the greatest weapon that we have at our disposal. The Word says in Exodus 14:14 the Lord shall fight your battles and you shall hold your peace.

Once I remembered this, I was able to shake off discouragement by seeking God, getting quiet and listening to him and like-minded friends and family.

If you find yourself discouraged...remember use your weapon! More on weapons read Ephesians 6.

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