
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Breaking Down Strongholds - Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

More great news! Negative strongholds can be broken down, however, not in our own strength. We need the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we can be ever so close to our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Christ Jesus is our Master Healer and his desire is that we all are free indeed.

Unfortunately, there are many churches that believe that Christ’s church is a hospital instead of a wellness center. The difference in the both is time. In fact, I have heard many pastors say that churches are hospitals but I want you to take a moment and imagine something with me. Let us use your imagination for a moment for good. Imagine that you became ill and you had to stay in the hospital for 1, 5, 10, or even 20 years in a hospital, how much money would you think it would cost you to remain in a hospital at today’s prices? Would you continue to stay or would you finally walk away? I would think that you would walk away because there would be no hope for healing. Could this be a reason that churches are losing church members each week? Maybe it could be one of the main reasons.

So, how come there are so many individual sitting on our church pews each weekend, broken, bitter, in unnecessary pain and with no remedy in sight? Because, we have become Hospice Churches in that some individual will never seem get healed and they die unnecessarily and prematurely. No! This cannot continue. When I hear that someone is going into hospice, I know that that means the inevitable will happen…death. Hospice is the end of the road on this earth but, spiritual strongholds should not be treated as a long-term care process, but through Christ, it should be a short term process. Meaning, when Christ heals us, we become walking and living testimonies for Christ. Unfortunately, it is our strongholds that keep us in spiritual bondage and spiritually sick. Praise God that strongholds can be broken by the Master Healer Christ Jesus. The Bible says For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” 2 Corinthians 10:4

Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, this is what we need to be free indeed in Christ. The spiritual warfare is great and the enemy is ruthless, he will plant all sorts of strongholds in our lives so that we will not seek Him (Christ) who desires the best for us. Satan strategically places us in places where we will surely die spiritually.

When I was much younger, I attempted several times to leave the church because I was hurt by members of the church (physically, emotionally, sexually and spiritually) and I became sick in spirit. After many years of struggling, I left the church completely. The Hospice Church did not work for me and I paid a huge debt by staying and not receiving the correct care that I needed.

What was my sickness? An unforgiving heart and a strong imagination that became a cancer so great that all I could do is exalt myself into believing that I was greater than Christ because I should not have suffered at all. Although I really did not think this way, my actions clearly stated such. Eventually, I began to die on my own until Christ revived me again.

Don’t waste another time away from Christ, He wants you to heal from your past, he wants to tear down your strongholds and he is waiting for you to surrender everything to him. If you find yourself in a hospice church, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to a church where you will be in a wellness center, where you will be loved, accepted and treated for your wounds, where you will know that the Master Healer is there?
Do you need your strongholds to be broken down? Then go to Christ. He is waiting to tear down your strongholds today!!! Don’t wait another moment. Be free indeed.

Should you desire to read more about the Holy Spirit and want to begin a real personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I invite you to the following webpage where you can find a free PDF book on the Holy Spirit by author Helmut Haubeil in any language Steps To Personal Revival 

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