
Thursday, February 15, 2018

(A Pure Heart) - Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

For the record I must tell you a big secret! The secret is that I am not a saint. I write in my posts of trials and tribulations and how Christ has changed my life and this holds true in my life. But, sometimes the old Viv comes out when I am under extreme pressure and although that is not an excuse, it does happen. This is not a confession post, but rather, a post to let you know a bit of my struggles in recent months. 

Some say of me that I have been taken out of the South Bronx but that no one can take the South Bronx out of me. This kind of hurts me to the core of my heart. Usually this happens when someone (my husband) does something that sends me into a point of no return it seems. We will be celebrating 17 years of marriage and somethings I have not been able to accept as of yet. I know I should get over it, but our cultures sometimes do not mesh. He is Korean and I am American born and bred and this in itself can be quite a challenge. When he would do some culturally it would send me to the roof and I prayed a lot for God to help me change and accept who he was. 

I would think how can I get a pure heart when I was so irritated with the little things that he would do? Well, I did not have a simple response at first. I had to go to the root of the issues within me but I could not do this alone, I had to seek counsel from my Creator and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I was able in time and through a process learn to accept and well, change my attitude. The Bible says “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 this verse clearly shows that if we ask He will give us what we ask for if it is His will and healing is definitely our Creator’s Will.

My husband still has some irritating things that bother me, but the Holy Spirit has allowed me to see that I too have things that irritate my husband and I have been working on this. Christ wants to create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me. As we continue to allow Christ into our hearts and continue in our journey towards healing from our abuses, ask him today to create in you a pure heart. This does not mean that you will change overnight but rather you will be changing little by little.

It is a process and you must remember to continue building a relationship with Christ through the Holy Spirit. After all, it is the Holy Spirit that comforts us, leads us, and inspires us to seek Christ diligently. So, ask today and see the marvelous things that God has for you.

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