
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

(Chained Heart) - Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

What is a chained heart? When we are sexually abused as little children our spirits, our mental growth and our hearts seem to stop growing while our physical continues to grow. For each abuse it seems that we stop expanding and soon we are not developed as we should emotionally and mentally. Hence, our hearts become chained due to strongholds that keep us in the past and because of our abuse we cannot allow others to be part of our lives because we can’t trust anyone. 

With a chained heart we cannot enjoy the beauty of life, the beauty in people and the beauty in our Creator. Chained hearts are products of strongholds (i.e. negative memories, negative actions and negative living). These strongholds start in the mind and they are Satan’s way of keeping us in bondage but chained hearts can be broken and new life can spring forward. 

Breaking strongholds to release a chained heart is not easy but achievable through Christ. To achieve this, one must determine what’s your greatest and most powerful stronghold that keeps your heart in chains? Remember, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4

Need to know more about the weapons to break down your strongholds? You will need to go into Ephesians 6 to get the clue on how to pull down your strongholds if you so desire. It has been my experience that knowledge of the Word gives you power to break down strongholds and you can start today to break down your strongholds and unchain your broken heart so that you too can be free indeed. 

Remember, “so if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36  

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