
Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12 (Are Your Emotions Getting The Best Of You?) - Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

January 12

Well…hello there friend! How are you feeling today? I know that it is customary to ask these types of questions when interacting with each other.  Sometimes the person asking is asking because they are being polite and sometimes the person asking does not really want to know how the person is feeling. This is sad but sometimes is true. Unfortunately, some do not really care to hear your response, yet when you answer the way you really feel people don’t know what to make of it. How are you feeling today has become a rhetorical question rather than a real question out of compassion.

Okay, enough of that. My question to you today is how are you handling your feelings and emotions today?  That is the real question for today. What emotions are you dealing with this very moment, last night or several days ago that just moved you to the core? What if I tell you that your emotions are linked to healing or ailing would you believe me? If you have been abused or betrayed and have not resolved your issues, chances are that your emotions are getting the best of you. Are you tired of wearing your emotions on your sleeves?  Do we need emotions? Of course we do! It is the negative emotions that we can live without.

Let’s get more into emotions, where in the Bible do you see the first signs of emotions gone terribly wrong? Got nothing? How about where and with whom negative emotions begin? Not enough to go by? Well, another hint is that negative emotions began with a perfect being. Well…this being resided in a land where negative emotions were not at ALL common. Need another hint? His name was Lucifer now known as Satan. What did he do? He became envious of Christ and his reaction was anger directed toward Christ. Nothing has changed since Satan began to feel this way. Negative emotions are as strong today as they were several thousands of years ago.

Lucifer’s emotion of anger clouded his mind, his senses and his spirit and it was not because he was being abused by Christ but rather, it was because he wanted something he could not have. This is a clear indication how emotions if not honed and controlled with Christ in mind, can cloud your judgment. Let’s read how Lucifer’s emotions made him think and how Christ knew about Lucifer’s emotions in his heart “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV

I really want you to think what had happened here, Lucifer was perfectly made, he was the morning star, he was superior being yet, iniquity was found in him. His anger toward Christ inevitable resulting in a war in heaven and Lucifer now Satan was cast out And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” Revelation 12:7-9 KJV

Lucifer’s emotions got the best of him and because of this he was thrown out of heaven. If a perfect being, in this case Lucifer had problems with his own emotions, then, are we not in danger of having our emotions run our lives, our health and our mind? I urge you to stop and think about your emotions, how are they playing in your life? Has your emotions turned you against God, family, friends or your own self, where you just hate who you are and how you are?

When your heart continues to be in an emotional state where you can’t think straight, you cannot make the best decisions, choose to loosen the chains that bind you or live a life of abundance through Christ. Are your emotions getting the best of you?

Lucifer now Satan gave up on a life of peace, love, joy and a deep relationship with Christ because of his rogue emotions. What are you giving up? Your eternal life? Your Sanity? Christ is calling you today to make a decision to heal emotionally. It is time! 

Take the first step toward healing by releasing your negative emotions to our Savior Jesus Christ. Be free indeed!!!

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