
Monday, February 19, 2018

(Our Hearts In One Accord)Free Indeed - Abundant Living After Abuse

Greetings to my all my readers in the following countries…Ghana, Kenya, Philippines, Hong Kong, France, Canada, Australia, Germany, USA, Ukraine and Singapore. This amazing and I am so grateful. To contact me with any questions on my post or prayer requests, please email me at Looking forward to hearing from you. God bless you and your loved ones. 

Recently, I was speaking to a group of Christian women in one of my mission trips about the healing power of Jesus Christ through his Holy Spirit. I gave them my testimony as to how I was raised in church from infancy until I left the church once I turned 18 years old and the reason I had left, explored other denominations and even got into Santeria which is a Voodoo based religion. Looking hindsight now, it was not an excuse to leave, however, the reasons I had left the church were due to all types of abuses that I had suffered at the hands of so-called "Christians" who were Christians by name only but were carnal Christians.  

Once I finished giving my testimony, the next day one of the ladies approached me and told me that she had spoken with some of the women and they could not believe that I was really an abused as a child because I was full of joy and did not have the characteristics of an abused woman. This is sad in the sense that it shows here that there are women and men sitting in our churches, our congregations, in marriages and so on and so for who are miserable because they have not forgiven and released all their pain to Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

How many times have I heard this throughout my speaking career? The answer is...many times. You see, when people approach me with doubt I must remember that the reason that they might doubt is because they may be projecting their own feelings onto me and what they would or won't do if they were in my situation. In fact, some women and men who do understand my testimony is because they themselves have been there and they have been healed. Other individuals however, have never experienced abuse or are in denial of abuse. For some, they have not forgiven and are still struggling with their past.

The only way victims can move from victimization to survivorship is through surrendering their painful past and negative emotions to our Creator. Online Merriam dictionary explains what is survivorship is and I would like to show you how it applies in a different context to healing. According to the online Merriam dictionary survivorship is "the legal right of the survivor of persons having joint interests in property to take the interest of the person who has died."

As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have the legal right as survivors of abuses to join together in healing through the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit is really in your life and in the lives of others, you move from victim to survivor because now in love you become like minded and in one accord because your past is dead. In this case, victims coming together in the healing process with joint interest in taking back their property (i.e. lives, their minds, and reclaiming or claiming their spiritual walk with their Creator) that was taken from them as children or adults now are under a new banner in life’s battle. 

As we allow the Holy Spirit to help us surrender our past Jesus will give us a new heart because the old heart is dead and gone, the Bible says “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Romans 6:6

When we are true survivors in Christ and have a new heart we will be filled with joy “Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.” Philippians 2:2 

Are you ready and willing to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you from victim into survivor so that you can reclaim your life back? 

You can start today by asking the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and lead you. 

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